I had a consultation with a client last week who is looking to take pictures of her adorable 10 month-old daughter. She was concerned that her daughter was too shy. So we had the consult at her house to answer questions, peruse product samples, and, more importantly, to introduce myself to her adorable daughter. One topic we discussed is my determination to respect a family’s privacy. When photographing a minor, especially young ones, I am especially mindful of privacy and keeping parents well within their comfort zone. I won’t publish or blog any photos without the parent’s permission. Blogging photos helps market photographers and show off our style and current work, but I will find other ways to do that if you don’t wish your child’s photos to be displayed. Some people want their personal lives to remain just that…personal. And if I do blog a children session, you may notice that I refrain from using proper names. You might have noticed I use initials when write about minors. I am not real fond of the whole initial thing…I’m playing around with the idea of coming up with awesome nicknames like …Breaker, Slash, Lightning Strikes. We’ll have to see.
Also on the books for 2011, one of my goals is to book more weddings. If you are engaged, hoping to be engaged (cross those fingers), or know someone in those categories, stay tuned right here. I will be offering huge discounts and incentives for wedding packages.
I’m still doing a lot of children’s photography. HB (a.k.a. ‘Ladybug’) is a returning star for me and a budding model at just age 2. This time, the spotlight was for her little sister, 10 month-old LP (a.k.a. ‘Lollipop’). 10 months is a great stage. I love the stage where they can sit on their own, crawl, and stand (with or without assistance). Once they start walking, photo sessions become triple the work. I have to don ‘play clothes’ and do a pre-shoot warm-up, as me and my camera will most likely be rolling and diving on the ground to keep up. Even though Lollipop can’t walk yet, I still got a good workout for her session.
On my drive home every day, there’s this abandoned tire on the side of the road. I knew I wanted to try to set up a shot there. The street was a little busy for my preference so Lollipop’s Mama is right next to her. Safety is NUMBER ONE!!! I also gave that tire a good wipedown with disinfecting wipes.
Introducing 10 month old LP, LolliPop!!! Love her cheeky smile!!!
I’m not sure how much I love that coconut there but that wasn’t planned. It just appeared by the tire in the past few weeks. I have no clue where it came from. Not a lot of coconut trees in my part of Kaneohe.
2 year-ol Ladybug watched us work with Lollipop and wanted to jump in the action. So, we took some shots right there on the sidewalk. She had some creative posing worked out, I didn’t give her any direction. As soon as I picked up the camera, she would pick her knee up and assume the “Karate Kid crane” pose. I watch American’s Next Top Model so I know talent when I see it.
Notice her clear Cinderella slippers? Apparently, she chose them herself for the shoot. Fashion sense at age 2.
Also another Ladybug original pose.
She mesmerizes you with those doey eyes.
My favorite of the two of them together. LolliPop playing during one of the breaks.
sonya - GREAT photos!! lolipops eyes are SO big and beautiful.
for the photo of them together are you sitting on the floor? just wanna know what angle you were at…unless it’s a secret.
glad to see you getting back into your business!
admin - Lollipop does have big beautiful eyes. I thought my eyes were big and round…she beats me down in staring contests.
I had to either be squatting or I must have been sitting on the sidewalk. Sorry, my mind is mush but I definitely got as low as possible to get as straight on view as possible. It was also hard cause the sidewalk was even so they were slightly downhill from me. I chose that angle because it had a better background but it helps explain why Ladybug has a death grip hug around Lollipop. We didn’t want her falling backwards. I love getting right down on their eye level even if it means lying down on damp grass.
chubbs - ahhhh they are so cute! Sweet shots Keao! I like the colors and you capture the kiddies so well. 🙂
Scott - Ooh, LP is quickly gaining ground on her sister. I’m not sure which one is cuter. I love both of their shoes. I remember HB wearing those same LOVE ones.
Joy - I agree with Sonya, glad you’re back. As always gorgeous! I love the colors and texture of the ones of Lollipop by the wall and Lollipop and Ladybug together. The ones of Ladybug posing are adorable. You can tell this isn’t her first rodeo 😉