Intended for: Cookie Monsters I’m not a fan of most sweets but my weakness is the simply sweet chocolate chip cookie. I’m a purist. I like my cookie void of frills like oatmeal or nuts and a little chewy. Hands down, my favorite chocolate chip cookie is from a company that specializes in creating sandwiches,…
Joy - Haha! I love Subway cookies!!! My new addiction though is the cookies we have at work. Sooo good but sooo bad! I’ve been getting 2 for me and 2 for grandma lately. Which is better then 4 for just me 😉
Pro Blogger News - Friday Fave Subway Cookies…
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sonya - i’ve never had their cookies….hhhmmm i dont really like chocolate though…maybe i’ll try an oatmeal one.
admin - you don’t like chocolate? How is that possible? My niece doesn’t like chocolate either. Well, I don’t like oatmeal=) Tell me how it tastes.
Scott - A whole post dedicated to cookies? Who would have thought.
Todd - I can’t remember the last time I actually was offered a receipt from a Subway, but I guess I’ll have to ask! Not that I need the chocolate chip cookie either, but I get a pair of them about 50% of the time I go to Subway and one usually vanishes with the sandwich, the other disappears in the next couple of hours. I am a bit picky about their cookie quality, though. Crunchy is good, chewy is acceptable, but every once in a while it ends up under baked and mushy. I guess if the cookies are mushy and the receipt actually does offer a survey, maybe I can help contribute to improved cookie quality for all!
Guess where I want to go for lunch today?