I showed Scott’s mom a picture of my daughter in her Easter dress (it’s her very first Easter!!!) and my mother-in-law exlaimed “What? She can sit all by herself?”
Ummm, not really.
She can sit NOW, for about 30 seconds before she starts to lean like the Tower of Pisa and then usually faceplants in the rug. But she definitely couldn’t sit a month ago when it was Easter. And her dress was so cute, but I knew it would look much better if she was standing, or at least sitting up. I explained to my mother-in-law how I got her to “sit” for the photo and I figured it would be something others might find interesting.
First, I set up my shot. I absolutely love our backyard. We have this huge mango tree (still crossing our fingers that it will kick this barren phase and give us mangos one year) that stretches over our yard. And the grass is getting a bit unruly. It drives Scott crazy but this country girl loves the look of long grass…and it looks great in photos.
This is definitely a two-person job. I had to give very clear directions to Scott. Where to put the baby down. What direction to face her. So, he stood over her and held her upright while I got into place. Then I put my camera on continuous shot mode and counted:
Must haves: Soft surface and attentive dad with hands right there.
Last, take a picture without anyone in the picture. I overlaid the two images I want and erased out Scott.
Yah! She's sitting by herself (with a little help from dad and Photoshop)
If you’re interested in scheduling a milestone baby session with me, please contact me. I would be thrilled!
Want a better and much faster way? Wait until your child can actually sit! Which is one of the reasons I recommend scheduling your baby’s photo sessions based on milestones and not by the standard idea of scheduling by age (3 mo. 6 mo. 9 mo.) Most babies aren’t sitting until 7 or 8 months. And every baby is unique. Personalize your photos to your baby.
Scott - So cute. It’s like she’s sitting up all by herself!