Hey folks, I’m back. I have a lot to catch you up on and I promise I will. But it’s a long story so I’ll save it for a good day. First and foremost, let’s start catching up with some pictures.
What: Maternity Session with Ronnie and Robyn
Where: Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Base
We captured the final weeks before these two beautiful people became parents to a sweet little brown-haired baby girl, Maya.
I’ve known Robyn for years. I met her just shortly after they got married and had moved here to Hawaii. Spend more than ten minutes with Robyn and your speech becomes infused with a southern twang and “ya’all”s just start falling out of your mouth left and right. Trust me, I’ve tried to fight it but it’s a force you just can’t beat. Robyn used to be in my bible study years ago when I led one in my small little living room. And our small group was so small that so many nights it was just me and Robyn, just the two of us hanging out…ending early so we could watch the last half of “So You Think You Can Dance” together. Ah, the memories.
I was real thrilled for this session. First, it was a totally new location. I haven’t been on base too often, something about men guarding the entrance to the base with guns that always makes me pause. We literally drove on base and just pulled over at the first stretch of sand we saw. It was gorgeous and fun. Secondly, we’re talking about two of the most beautiful people I know who just happened to be married to each other. Ronnie…there’s no one that can compare to my hubby, Scottie, but I’ve completely lost track of what I was saying when Ronnie smiles. He’s gorgeous. Robyn could easily give up her career as a fitness trainer for modeling if she ever chose to. Absolutely beautiful in every possible way.
Robyn can't resist keeping her hands off her man.
She's such a ham...and check out her guns!!!
I absolutely love these...she's so beautiful.
A little bit of a picture overload. Ooops. Haven’t blogged in so long that I got carried away. My bad=)