So I’m dipping one toe into the water. I have some sessions that have been sitting on the burner, ready for blogging. My baby girl, Casey, is home from the hospital. Today is actually her due date. So, even though she is 3 months old, she follows her adjusted age and fits in perfectly with other newborns. She eats every three hours, weighs in at 7 lb 11 oz, and has a case of the hiccups as we speak. I had to convince her to cruise in her Fisher Price rocker while I finally blog some photos. I tried to hold her and blog but ended up deleted 7 minutes of work by accident. So she’s back to rocking away next to me.
These photos are from a session long before the girls were born, but they’re just too pretty not to showcase.
I love having return clients. I feel blessed to be a part of their milestones, by capturing those events in their family journey. Bow and Troy have invited me to share some key moments with their family. We spent a very special Valentine’s maternity session together. When their little bundle of joy did arrive, Auntie Keao crept quietly in to do a newborn session with sleeping little Mikaela, affectionally called Mimi.
Time flies by so fast and Bow inquired about doing family photos just in time for Mimi’s first birthday.
I was hoping that Mimi remembered me, but I don’t think I made enough of an impression during her newborn sesh. She just stared at me inquisitively with these big, deep brown eyes that you could easily get lost in. I always ask families if they want to choose a location that has significance or memories for them. Bow chose a playground that she takes Mimi to every week. Bow, thanks for introducing me to this playground. I never even knew it existed!!! I can’t tell you how many times I have taken my nieces to this huge playground since this session.
Introducing Mimi
Come celebrate my birthday!!!
Smooches for the birthday girl!!!
Exploring her favorite playground...and showing off a little.
Mikaela with her doting parents, Bow and Troy
This was a very popular playground so it took a little patience to get clear backgrounds for those key shots. This playground was built to delight keiki and it was doing a spectacular job. It was swarming with happy kids running everywhere. It did mean that I had to watch the tides of running kids and wait for the breaks in the crowd to get the shot. We certainlly didn’t want to interfere with anyone’s playtime. We managed to get beautiful family photographs and the kids didn’t even seem to notice us.
Look who's standing!!
Bow wanted current photos of Mimi in time to make a gorgeous scrapbook to have on display at her 1st birthday party. Bow also showed me the design for the birthday party invitation. I actually kept the look and colors of her invitation in mind when I set up the following shots. And the picture belowed would be her birthday invitation. This is something I recommend. Bring the colors and themes for parties to my attention, and I’ll set up pictures to work within that style.
We chose a part of the playground with beautiful yellows and greens in the background and gave Mimi her very first taste of cake. Bow and I were cracking up as Mimi poked her cupcake tentatively. She was not won over by the sugary goodness. I hope that means this girl won’t develop a similar sweet tooth like mine. Lucky me, I had the rest of the cupcakes to myself. Yummy.
My first cupcake=)
Cake sessions with babies are the best, because it means I get to have cake and eat it too.
Bow and Troy have also been really good friends to us. When they found out we were pregnant, Bow stopped by with all sorts of baby goodies. A lamp that fits perfectly with Casey’s safari/jungle nursery. A glider. And they’re even bringing us dinner tomorrow night. Thank you so much!!!