“Oh, look. They were together in high school!!!”
We had permission from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki to take family portraits but we were also sharing the grounds with a wedding party there that day. That was one of the bridesmaids talking aloud to her friends as they walked past us. Apparently, the bridesmaid knew my clients, Mike and Beka, from high school days and recognized them as she walked by. And she said it with the same amazement and excitement one would put into pointing out a celebrity spotting. And I smiled in agreement. There is something amazing about high school sweethearts.
I adore my husband, Scott, and one of my only regrets is that I didn’t meet him until I was 24. I can only learn about his childhood and college years through his stories. I jealously listen to him reminisce with his friends about the good old days and I wish I had been there see it myself. We like to debate what things would have been like if we had met earlier. But I would be very worried that if we had met earlier, we would not have ended up married. Um, I remember the high school me. I was a dork and so shy that I would freeze up whenever someone new spoke to me. He apparently also went through this mullet stage (he thought it was funny). That might have squashed any chance of there ever being any romantic spark. Thankfully, we did a lot of growing up before we met each other. High school sweethearts have to do their growing up together.
So I am pretty fascinated to watch Beka and Mike interact with each other and their kids. They treat each other with such love and tenderness. You could easily mistake them for newlyweds. They have two beautiful children and one more on the way. You saw the sneak peek here a few days ago, but here are the rest of the pictures I promised. Warning, there’s an overload of pictures!!! I had extreme trouble narrowing down my faves.
At my last family portrait photography session with them, Little J a.k.a. “Superboy” was a little shy. Well he has grown up and is shy no longer. He had everyone constantly cracking up the entire time. He had a different expression for every picture. Princess M has grown up so much since the last portrait session. She still lights up when she smiles and now there is just a softness and a grace to her.
Joy and I had such an amazing time with them. After we finished, Mike and Beka were going to take the kids to get ice cream and Mike invited us to come with them. I was so torn. I didn’t want the fun to stop but after spending the morning watching Mike and Beka hug and love on their sweeties constantly, I couldn’t wait to go home and be with my own family. Thanks for letting me hang out with you guys!!!
- This is my favorite series of photos. Look at those expressions!!!
She was taking a candy break, hence the bright blue tongue=)
This was a first: I didn't have to prompt them to laugh or make silly faces. They were making each other laugh.
The kids really loved these rocking chairs.
The kids got to bring a second outfit of their choice. J wanted to show his martial arts skills.
If you’re interested in booking a wedding or portrait session, you can contact me!!! Thanks so much to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel for allowing us to have our photo shoot there. They are one of the most desired venues for weddings here in Hawaii and it was an absolute pleasure to spend a morning there exploring their luxurious hotel.
Johanna Hietanen - Such a CUTE family! They’re so animate and full of wonderful expressions 🙂
Fotografos de Bodas - Funny pics, and funny family!
brooke - what a fun session! this location is amazing, and your poses are so creative – awesome work!
Josh - Nice Pics Takayamas. Great Job Keao. Maybe you can take pics of Malen and I and Mika and Jonah in the MG car.
Michelle - I especially like the animated ones… what a silly family!
Tara McRae - Fabulous fun shoot. Great location……love the pics with the rocking chairs!
Rachel - I don’t know how you do it Keao, but your photos are always fresh, and from such a perspective that you never realize is there. It captures beauty and innocence in such unique ways, I LOVE it!! My favorite is the chandelier photos!
Lisa - I love the pictures, especially the family photo in front of the surfboard statues.
sonya - Love it Keao! love how someone always has a silly look on their face. just like kids should!
Ariana Watts - So cute! Love these photos!
johnjohn - nice shots haha who is watching slugger?
Shipra - They are soooo blessed to have each other and so much history together. There children are just adorable.
Leo Druker - Looks like a really fun session!
Kyle - These kids will be SO happy to have these photos when they grow up. You’ve done a great job capturing their personalities.
Kelsey - They look like so much fun! I love the location.
Alan Langley - What a great set of pictures they must be delighted with them. Very cute kids 🙂
Jason - Ha, Candy Break – love it! Beautiful images, they must be so happy with these. Great set. Particular love your use of the hotel (esp. the chairs!).
Brad Ross - Lovely family and photos. They will love these.
Eunice Lee - Just looking through all the pictures, makes me smile.
You can feel the love between all of them and just how much they enjoy each other.
Mike Takayama - Thanks everyone for your kind words. Thank you Keao and Joy for being so patient with us. Also, a big mahalo to Kelly Hoen, General Manager of The Royal Hawaiian A Luxury Collection Resort, for allowing us to take photos that day!
Jackie - Great Pictures! You definitely captured the personalities of everyone. Looks like a fun filled day for all!
Good Job!
Eunice Lee - Just looking through all the pictures, makes me smile.
You can feel the love between all of them and just how much they enjoy each other.
Val - GREAT PICS … so ALIVE!!! The kids are growing up so fast!
Akemi Takase - WOW!! Beautiful family photos at the best location in Waikiki. Where is it!!! …. of course, Royal Hawaiian, A Luxury Collection.. right!!
Scott - Love it. The Royal Hawaiian gives this air of elegance and regality but the kids make it such a light-hearted affair. You’ve captured the joy and happiness of this family perfectly.
Janelle Marquez - Love it! Awesome photography Keao! Please teach me oh wise and creative one!
Joy - Can you ever have photo overload? I don’t think so! They look great. I have a hard time picking my favorites too.
Heather - What a unique location! These are so cute!